Personal: How Being In Quarantine Has Changed Me

It has now officially been 2 months since we’ve “self-isolated” or “quarantined” or whatever buzz word you’d like to call it. Basically since I stepped foot outside of the hospital after giving birth to Charlie (or was wheeled out, I should say), I walked into my house and never walked out in the same way again. I waited around for what felt like forever as…



My Closet Tour!

I know this is a somewhat weird time to reveal my walk-in closet, so I wanted to acknowledge it before I write the post. I’ve been meaning to share a full walk-thru of my closet and how I organize it for a full year, but time has passed by before me, and it is still one of my most requested blog posts, so I figured…



Making Homemade Gummies!

Hudson and I are both sugar fiends – Like I had mentioned, I’ve been trying to find ways to eat things I like, but just in healthier versions. Hudson LOVES gummy bears, so I thought it would be fun to try to make our own! We used this recipe. They only took about 30 minutes to make, and came out SO good!! Making something fun…



Charlie’s 2 Month Update

(one month update here) WE MADE IT TO TWO MONTHS!!! Honestly, every month just keeps getting better and better. I love that about the first year of having a baby. There’s huge differences month to month that make life so much happier and more fun! There’s a lot going on this month with us, but the most notable is that after Charlie’s tongue tie healed,…



Making Homemade Ketchup

I’ve been on a journey during this quarantine of paying more attention to the foods that I put into my body. I’m admittedly a processed foods addict, and I love sugar and salt. But, especially during postpartum, I began to notice how bad indulging on both were making me feel, so I’ve been focusing on eating more fruits, veggies, and foods from the fresh foods…



My Newborn Essentials For The First Two Months

Here we are at two months postpartum (almost!) and I cannot believe how quickly it flies by. Even with sitting in the house basically every single day, the time has still just flown by, and Charlie is starting to smile, really lift his head and I can SEE how much his head has grown! I forgot how wild and rewarding it is to watch your…



Mother’s Day Gift Ideas

With Mother’s Day just around the corner, and most of our mommas far away in quarantine, I wanted to share some sweet gift ideas for the moms in your life. Whether it be for your own mama, for your friend who recently had a baby, or for your wife or partner, hopefully these can help get your creative juices flowing! Mommy & Me Matching Looks…



Our Backyard: Before + The Plan

Inspiration Images: The outdoor space in our home is the weakest link, which we knew when we bought this home. We live close to the beach (very close) so we didn’t think it was a huge deal to not have a very big yard, but now with being quarantined and the uncertainty about whether the beaches will even be opened this summer, we’re preparing ourselves.…



Activities + Toys For A 3-Year-Old During Quarantine

I’m going on two months of being home with Hudson, as I am sure most of you mamas are as well. Typically Hudson is in preschool from Monday – Thursday, so it’s felt like a lot of pressure to educate him while having him at home with us 24/7. I absolutely love getting this time to spend with my children, but I am not going…



Charlie’s 1 Month Update

I CANNOT BELIEVE CHARLIE IS 1 MONTH OLD! (Actually he’s 6 weeks now haha!) It’s actually wild. He has changed so much this month! I wrote monthly updates each month during Hudson’s first year, and it was really fun to connect with other mamas whose babies are the same age through it. I wanted to do the same for Charlie, just to have something to…



Everything I Use To Workout At Home (Budget Friendly!) + Free Workouts

As we’re all well aware of, we are currently in quarantine. I don’t want to put any extra pressure on anyone to exercise during a difficult and anxiety-inducing time, that is not AT ALL the purpose of this post. BUT, for me personally, if I find even just 30 minutes to move my body daily, I live life in a much clearer and happier headspace.…



How I’m Feeling With 2 Kids, And Transitioning From 1 to 2

    Happy April! March flew by for me, because of being in that newborn haze during month 1, but I know it was extremely slow and difficult for a lot of people because of quarantining, and the pandemic. It’s definitely a weird time right now, and I’ll write a blog post more in-detail about how it has effected us while having a new baby…



Charlie’s Birth Story

I love to write, I always have since I was a little girl, but for some reason for this birth story I just watch the cursor blink, and don’t know where to begin. Birth stories are hard to digest, harder to put into writing and even though they replay in our heads over and over again for the rest of our lives, the details seem…



My Postpartum Tips For The First 2 Weeks

Hi there! I hope everyone is holding up okay in these wild times. I took to Stories to share my first two weeks postpartum, day by day, and I had a lot of requests to create an entire blog post about my first two weeks, things I did, things I’ve learned having gone through this before, etc. etc. I want to first start out by…



My Cozy Postpartum Favorites Perfect For Sitting Around The House!

HI EVERYONE!!! It has been just the CRAZIEST 2 weeks since I last posted. Most of what has happened nobody could have predicted, and it’s been a really weird time to be hormonal and with a newborn, but I’ve been trying to embrace this time to slowdown and bond as a family of four. Matt has no work on the horizon, so he has been…



Maternity Photos At 39 Weeks Pregnant

We’re finally here, at 40 weeks pregnant! I can’t believe we get to meet our second baby any day. I am at the point where I am mentally and physically exhausted, and so ready to be a normal functioning human being again, but last week I somehow had the energy to get dressed and snap these photos with Sea. I am SO glad that I…



Exercising During Pregnancy + My Workout Staples

Before I begin this post, I want to just mention that every body is different, and that this is just my own experience, and what has worked for me. I would always check with your doctor before beginning any workout routine when pregnant, and always listen to your body. If there was a day where I was crampy, or a certain move felt off, I’d…



Cake Pop Recipe + Tips I Learned

For Valentines Day last week, I really wanted to bake and cook a dinner for both Matt and Hudson to make the night feel more special. I am kitschy like that, and I want Hudson to grow up remembering fun little things, like baked goods and presents on Valentines Day to make his childhood more special. My mom created traditions like that for me, like…



What I Put On My Baby Registry (For First Time Moms Too!)

I actually cannot remember if I ever created a post about my baby registry when I had Hudson, but it felt like this one was long overdue. I’m not going to lie, it took a LONG time to piece together everything we bought for the baby (along with a lot of things we previously owned) but this is a comprehensive list of all of it!…



38 Week Maternity Photoshoot & Chatting About Confidence

One of the most interesting things about being a blogger is that on most days, you’ll find yourself being used as someone else’s verbal punching bag. When I worked 9-5 in an office, I was left to my own accord, and if I was to take the heat for something that I messed up, it was usually a very professional meeting that involved a write-up,…

