What do you all think of the idea of doing a weekly roundup including links to shop all of my instagram looks? I’ve been thinking about starting this series, since most of the items are only linked on Stories for a day, and then they disappear. Please let me know your thoughts over DM’s or in the comments! I didn’t snap too many photos…
It’s a family tradition of ours to spend some time in Martha’s Vineyard each summer (You can see past posts here, here and here!) I will actually be back all of next week with my parents for the week of my birthday, but here’s some photos from July 4th weekend! Some of our favorite things to do include getting breakfast at The Black Dog, seeing…
There’s only 3 days left in my life as a 27-year-old and I must admit, these late twenties are MUCH easier than the early twenties, but also (in my opinion) much more strategic. my dad told me this year on his birthday that being in your 50’s feels like the 2nd half of a run. The first half is tough, and you try to find…
Hi there! I am back in my home, getting ready to go back to work tomorrow! My grandma used to say “nice to go away, nice to come home” and it really is true. It feels good to be in my bed, and I am actually excited to see my work friends tomorrow, and catch up! I am lucky to feel that way – I…
There is no question that life passes by quickly, but vacation is on fast forward! It feels like we just arrived, and we’re already heading home tomorrow. Oh how the passage of time is so bittersweet! Here’s some snapshots from the past few days… if you’re heading out to Martha’s Vineyard, two places to definitely check out are… 1. Lucky Hanks – the garden is…
There’s only two ways to snake your way onto this island… 1. fly 2. take a ferry we left our home at 6:30am, and made it onto the ferry by noon! It’s an easy journey from NY, and a wonderful weekend getaway! Have a Happy 4th of July Aeropostale cropped top Missguided skirt…
thanksgiving has come so so soon. it feels like just yesterday that i was walking on lincoln road, outside of the J.Crew that i worked at, snapping these pictures. even the year before stands out vividly to me, when we had baby claude with us at dinner. this year is a little different, because we are far from our immediate families, but i will be…
it’s about that time when all my sparkle comes out. obviously sparkle is okay year round, but isn’t it more fun around the holidays? i haven’t even began to shop for gifts yet (phewwww) but i did get myself a gift – my very first monogrammed bag, EVER. and it has my new initials since i got married… and it’s gold! SFD, that’s me. Kate…
lately, colors and i have been going through somewhat of a rough patch. when i started this blog, i would wear every color (like here, here and here), but somewhere along the way i began to stick to mustard yellows, browns, navy blues and reds… those are my main four these days. BUT color is fun! so i jumped at the chance to own a…
there’s this one street in marthas vineyard behind my parents house that i see when i close my eyes and am in a meditative state. on days when i am really tired, or extraordinarily relaxed i can see myself walking toward the sunshine on this particular street and it is later in the day. I am passing the overflowing pink flowers and the white picket…
goodbye martha’s vineyard, hello new york. we took a ‘last sunset walk’ around my neighborhood last night. there’s something so comforting about knowing that these beautiful streets are always here waiting for me. this is my ideal vacation outfit. it’s easy, comfortable and has an elastic waistline for all the ice cream we’ve been eating blouse: c/o romwe skirt: vintage shoes: vintage hat: vintage…
I took a yoga class this morning with my mom, matt and our friend cody. it was in this beautiful barn that overlooked a field, with the windows open and the breeze filling the room throughout the class. we could even hear birds chirping the whole time! at the end of class, the instructor read us a poem. it really connected to how i am…
whenever i look back at my blog, i always enjoy looking back on vacation posts the most. i usually regret not taking more photos, even though it’s hard to step away from the fun to snap them. this trip i want to have lots to look back on, so i’ve been shooting as much as i can (and not just of outfit pictures, of course!)…
hello from marthas vineyard ! i’ve been coming here since i’m a little girl– and my parents got this house in 2005, so it’s become a life routine to be here every summer. it’s amazing how much more i appreciate the vacation as i get older and have less time to get away & less time to be with my family. our house is…
here’s some snapshots from my trip to marthas vineyard last week. my parents have a home there, and i have been visiting since i’m a little girl. it is so fun to take matt with me now, and my brothers all brought their girlfriends too. we feel like a big, happy, sort of weird but definitely fun family! i like it. i’ve been back in…
it’s true, today i turn 25. i have to admit something… this is the first birthday that i dreaded. i’m not going to lie, a few tears were even shed. i am not one of those people who thinks “wow i am SO old,” because i am not. my “sort of sadness” stems from my own romanticized version of life where things just stay the…
i wore this to gayhead cliffs. laugh it up, the name is pretty silly. the cliffs consist entirely of clay, and there are granite rocks all over that are perfect for “stacking rocks.” matt has a secret rock stacking talent i found out! it was just a perfect day in the vineyard! romper: for sale in my store bag: vintage shoes: vintage sunnies: vintage ……
happy fourth of july! spending time with family is just the best. it really has been a treat being able to all be together here my two brothers, brian and matt, are in the pictures above with me! this may be their first time on the blog! my brother told me, ” you are scaring people with your patriotism!! ” have a great holiday……