There’s only 3 days left in my life as a 27-year-old and I must admit, these late twenties are MUCH easier than the early twenties, but also (in my opinion) much more strategic.
my dad told me this year on his birthday that being in your 50’s feels like the 2nd half of a run. The first half is tough, and you try to find your rhythm and your breath, but by halfway through you’re settled and comfortable. i am not one to gravitate toward comfort, as i love to throw my life upside down and figure things out as i go – but i do see what he means. it feels like every single step i take now, whether it be a career move, or money savings tactics, or when to start a family, are all really big decisions that will effect me later on in life. some things on my mind as a gal approaching her thirties for anyone wondering (& please comment if you feel the same!) are…
– HOLY COW everyone i know is getting married and/or having babies. it is beautiful, and emotional, and also sort of like an epidemic.
– BABIES – are my mom vibes ever going to kick in? will i be a good mom? when is the RIGHT time to have one? should i wait and focus on my career and continue to wonder if getting pregnant will be easy and assume it will be, or should we start because we don’t want to be older parents?
– MY HOUSE IS TOO SMALL to even reproduce. HOLY CRAP i need a bigger home (i know a ton of people have probably been here)
– All of my friends are SO professional all of a sudden. Am i this way too? Since when did we get together to talk about jobs and finances and the news? OMG we might be boring.
– Life is really weird because you work to afford the things you want to do, but you can’t really ever do them because you have to work. all of these THINGS like buying a VW van and traveling everywhere and being everything we’ve ever wanted to be.. do we really have to wait to do them because work gets in the way? and when do they ever happen?
– WOW i am lucky to have the husband i have, and the incredible support system around me.
It seems more difficult for me to just enjoy the days as they come lately, because there’s so much thinking ahead all the time. But i guess sometimes you really do need to be a planner, and others it is better to ignore the plan.
Any other 28-year-olds out there? I’ll see you guys on Monday when I join the club