Personal: 5 Things Behind The Instagram

(typical test shot – me in my workout clothes LOL!)

It has been a while since I’ve posted a behind the gram post (More here, here and here!) so I figured it was time to get real, and show a bit of the behind the scenes! It has been a busy month for us over here, and we spend the two days Hudson is in daycare (Tuesday/Thursday) shooting our sponsored content, while we shoot the rest of the content more “in-the-moment.” I find the sponsored content MUCH more involved and difficult to shoot, which is why we try to get it all done while Hudson is not around. If you haven’t noticed, toddlers are a lot of work and it’s super hard to focus when they are around! Here’s some behind the grams!

1 – I knew when we booked this job that I wanted to shoot in a laundromat, so I found some amazing vintage looking ones that had the look and feel I was going for. What I didn’t realize was how QUIET it was going to be on a Tuesday morning! ha! There was only one person there when we were shooting, and it was sort of awkward. We took only a few frames and boogied on out of there. I’ve learned to just be comfortable and do my thing, even if people are watching, because it’s my job! But that doesn’t mean people don’t stare, because they definitely do.



2 – Part of the reason I try to include Hudson in fewer posts than when he was a baby is because it is SO difficult getting a photo with him where he isn’t running out of the frame. He doesn’t even like his hand held at this “new walker” phase! In this photo, he did not want to have his hand held, and he was generally grumpy. BUT, to our luck, there was a kitty out of the frame and that totally turned his mood around! Matt snapped away as he was staring in a trance at the cat! haha! Distraction is key with toddlers.



3 – These cupcakes REALLY looked like burgers, so much so that when we were shooting on this dock a fisherman (who seemed to be very intoxicated) came up, and tried to poke them with his finger! It was sooo weird. We were sort of in shock as he was doing it, but luckily my reflexes kicked in and I pulled them away. We weren’t sure if he wanted to eat one, or just to see what it was made out of HAHA! We got out of there as quickly as we could!



4 – Shooting anything around 42nd street is always going to be tough, so this photo took a ton of tries. I knew I wanted the dress to be twirling so you could see how gorgeous the sequins are, but I also wanted the Waitress sign in it! Matt was very patient with me, as I looked crazy and twirled my dress over and over for minutes on end. The wildest part was right as we finished shooting we bumped into my little brother and his girlfriend on the street! We were headed to meet them downtown, and they just happened to be on the exact same street at the same time. It was the WILDEST coincidence!



5 – When I got home from Paris, I basically got off the plane and shot this photo. I had a deadline, and it had to go up the next morning, so we shot this close to sunset and just had enough time to get the shot before it was too dark! It was a bit stressful because the box of clothing / swimsuits arrived while I was away, so I didn’t have time to even try it on! Matt cut up the watermelon before he picked me up from the airport, I came home, got our props together, and went right to the beach! #bloggerlife!


Hope you enjoyed this, and it gives you some peeks into the weird behind the scenes life of a blogger!
