A Review Of Our New Article Sven Sectional Sofa

We’ve been in the market for a new sofa for a while for a few reasons – first, after we renovated the shape of our living room changed, and we suddenly had room for a sectional. Our previous sofa was smaller, and didn’t fit our space well. We also found our last sofa to be extremely uncomfortable and hard, but because we liked it aesthetically,…



Warm Baby Clothing For Cold and Snow

Hudson was born in November as a baby, so by the time we were out and about more with him, the weather had warmed up. Navigating cold weather with Charlie has been an entire new experience, and definitely a learning curve. Anytime I share snow days on stories, I noticed a lot of other moms feel the same way – we all worry about whether…



Affordable Round Coffee Tables For Smaller Spaces

Most of us do not live in giant homes. My house is “medium sized” but my living room space is small. It is almost like an apartment-sized living room within my home because when we renovated, we chose to allocate a lot of our space into our kitchen. I don’t mind the size of our living room the way it is, but I definitely needed…

