Warm Baby Clothing For Cold and Snow

Hudson was born in November as a baby, so by the time we were out and about more with him, the weather had warmed up. Navigating cold weather with Charlie has been an entire new experience, and definitely a learning curve. Anytime I share snow days on stories, I noticed a lot of other moms feel the same way – we all worry about whether they are warm enough, finding booties to stay on, finding gloves that stay, not having to spend the day out constantly adjusting. It is A LOT, but I finally feel confident enough to share our winter uniform for snow days or 20-30 degree weather!

Step 1 for us is to always put on a onesie, pants and socks underneath anything else we put on. This creates a base layer of warmth! I then place charlie inside of bunting, and have been using this bear one or this warmer one for cooler days. I like that the second one has the ability to flip over the hands and feet, so even if he does pull off his gloves, his hands are still covered.

I then usually put a beanie on him, even though the bunting has a hood. I love this cute critter hat, even more-so because it buttons underneath, so he can’t pull it off. I also love this carhartt beanie, because it is just so dang cute!!

The big game changer for us was finding knee-high socks. He pulls any socks off except for these, because we either tuck them under his pants super high, or over them, and either way they are pretty secure. I’ve tried a ton of different booties, and to be honest they ALL COME OFF FOR US. None are perfect, but these are the ones we’ve been using. They snap, so they are a bit more secure, but he ultimately can still pull them off.

If you are struggling to find winter gear for your babe, I feel for you. Winter with kids under 1 is a tough thing to navigate, but once you find a uniform that works, it makes going outdoors all the more fun!

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