10 Things Suggested By You For The 8 Month Sleep Regression

8 Month Sleep Regression

Being a baby is tough, and being an 8 month old is impossible. These poor guys are teething, learning how their bodies work AND they’re learning to speak our language all at the same time. To top it off, they’re also not sleeping well – Which just hit us here in casa Degreff this week. The 8 month sleep regression. Yikes.   When I needed…



Hudson’s Play Area

When I began staying home with Hudson, I quickly realized that it was a pain to constantly be setting up his toys and then putting them away every day. It felt like wasted time and energy, but I also don’t like a mess all over the house. I rearranged some furniture, and ended up creating this simple little corner for him to hang out in…



Hudson’s 8 Month Update!

I know a lot of parents say they love these months with their baby, but I found month 7 to be extremely trying. Hudson is in the midst of teething and dealing with separation anxiety, and it has felt like I can’t get in a breath some days. Last month he was very relaxed, and all of a sudden he is super needy again, like…



How We Travel Light With A 7 Month Old

travel light with a 7 month old, travel with a baby, packed suitcase, away carry on

Traveling with a baby isn’t easy. It’s more of a “trip” than a vacation these days, but after tons of research I think we’ve finally figured out how to travel the lightest way possible. On this trip to Italy, we only brought 2 carry ons and 1 checked bag along with an umbrella stroller. We don’t feel weighed down by our stuff at all, yet…



Pressures of Turning 30

In less than a month I turn 30. It feels almost fake saying it out loud, because of how quickly my twenties flew by. Entering my twenties I felt a lot of pressure to figure things all out. It felt like a decade of self discovery – Where do I want to work? Who do I want to be within the real-world? Who do I…



Hudson’s 7 Month Update + Unpublished Photos

I know I say this every month, but this month was my favorite month with my baby! He’s turning into such a little person, and he’s sharp as a tack. I also was able to spend every day with him this month since leaving my job, which is incredible. I will never ever forget this time with him. Thank you all so much for pushing…



9 Things New Moms Shouldn’t Be Ashamed Of

This post is sponsored by Vagisil® & SheKnows Media. Last Tuesday, I had the pleasure of attending a panel called “Wine & Gyn” in NYC. Tbh, an event like this would have never made me excited before having Hudson, but now after having gone through childbirth, I absolutely love to hear other women candidly speak about their own experiences in a judgement-free room. It was…



1 Must-Have When Roadtripping With A Baby

We’re quickly becoming pretty good at roadtripping with a baby, and bringing the car on trips makes bringing baby gear much easier! We were excited to test out the CYBEX Cloud Q carseat in this beautiful Autumn Gold color that I’ve chosen as “Hudson’s color” since he was born. I always see the Cloud Q out and about, and they look so sleek! There’s a few really…



My 1st Mother’s Day

My first Mother’s Day was a day of few pictures, but here’s the only ones we snapped! I woke up to Matt making me breakfast (a yogurt parfait) and Hudson’s cute smile! We fed him pineapple for the first time and then I played with him until he took a full two hour nap (usually he only naps for an hour in the morning!) While he…



A Note To My Mom on Mother’s Day / The Gift of Chocolate!

This year, after becoming a mom, I can truly connect with and understand my own mom, and all of the sacrifices she made for me. She always used to say “You’ll understand when you become a mom,” and those words COULD NOT BE MORE TRUE.   So this Mother’s Day, Hudson and I are sending over an “e-card” via this blog post, filled with merci…



Hudson’s 6 Month Update + Unpublished Pictures!

This month was the hardest month yet, because I felt like I had no time with Hudson. But it was also incredible, because Hudson had so many firsts! BABY UPDATE:  Hudson started to [easily] roll front to back, sit up on his own, say “bababa” and “dadada,” laugh even louder, grunt and just become waaay more of a human being! Sometimes, he just laughs at…



10 Things I Miss About Life Before Being a Mom

There’s some things women generally don’t talk about after becoming a mom – the gory details of their deliveries (it’s all rainbows and babies, right?), the changes in their sexuality and their marriage, but most of all they don’t really ever share the negatives and the setbacks in becoming a mom. Don’t get me wrong, I love Hudson with my whole heart, and would much…



Hudson’s 5 Month Update + Unpublished Photos!

I was dreading this month (as you read in this post) but it inevitably came, and now I am here learning how to be a new kind of mom – a working mom. I am still trying to figure out how to juggle it all, mostly by sneaking in work when Hudson is sleeping at night so I can not stress in the mornings or…



The day I returned to work after maternity leave was one of the worst days of my life.

This is the first picture ever taken of Hudson and I I’ve been trying to write this post all week, just knowing that it will bring up all of the tears and the messy emotions that I am feeling about returning to work after maternity leave. But I knew I had to write it, because there’s too many moms or soon-to-be moms out there who…



Tips For Flying/ Traveling With A Baby

A bunch of you asked for tips on how we traveled with Hudson while he’s only 4.5 months old! To be honest, it is much easier than I expected. I was super nervous about how he would be on the plane, and also a bit anxious about having so much extra stuff, but it all worked out. Here’s a few tips, and a list of…



My 3 Favorite Baby Carriers + A VIDEO!

THE SOLLY BABY WRAP ^^: pros: – I felt extremely comfortable and secure carrying Hudson around in this when he was a newborn, because it has incredible head support – He won’t outgrow it for a while – It never hurts my back / good back support – Stylish!! – Easy to toss into a bag or the stroller basket because of how light it…



Hudson’s 4 Month Update + Unpublished Pictures From the Month!

Guys, I’m starting to get really sad. My maternity leave is ending in 3 weeks, and this may be the last time ever that I am at home with my baby, just the two of us, without a care in the world. I know that work + having a sense of self is important, I know that in the long-run I will be happy with my…



How I Lost The Baby Weight + My Pregnancy Workout Routine

So I guess I’m about to be one of THOSE people who shares their weight loss journey. But after getting lots of questions, and also lots of people who think that my pregnancy weight just magically disappeared, I decided to share my story to inspire those of you preggo ladies out there! To be honest, my pregnancy weight DID just fall off, but it isn’t…



3 Things I Make Time For As A New Mom W/ Cluse

The truth is, it’s hard to not be our own worst critics. Before I had Hudson, there were days where I could not find a single thing to wear, and I just stood there looking at myself thinking about how I wish certain parts of me were “better” or “different.” Maybe I am insecure (okay, I am!) but I think most of us feel that…



Hudson’s 3 Month Update + Favorite Products

Pardon my french, but holy shit my baby is 3 months old! I have so many emotions about this – one being that I am so excited to see him every step of the way realizing he has HANDS and that they WORK or being able to hold his head up, but two that I am also so sad that he’s growing up and it’s…

