Hudson’s 2 Month Update

Can you believe Hudson is 2 months old?! Me either… It is 100% true what they say, the first few weeks fly by in a sleep deprived, baby roll filled haze and then it slowly gets easier and easier. As much as I can’t wait for Hudson to talk and walk and become a person, I am also slightly sad seeing him grow out of…



Choosing The One with Bugaboo

Bringing Hudson home from the hospital is a day I will never ever forget. I get teary eyed just thinking about it. It was November 9th, the morning after the presidential election results were announced. The sky was overcast, but the trees were beautiful fall colors outside of our hospital room window. As we drove home, my eyes were peeled on Hudson as I sat…



Baby Products I Can’t Live Without

One of the toughest parts of being a first time mom is figuring out everything you need, and what will work best in your lifestyle. Matt and I are do-ers – we like to travel light, and get out of the house as much as we can, so we knew our baby gear would have to reflect this. Here’s a list of the things that…



Our first month as parents

What a beautiful, tiring, overwhelming and incredible blur the past few weeks have been. Leaving the hospital with a baby felt really.. strange! Like, we knew that this boy grew inside of me, but the fact that he was now here and I was back to old Steffy made it all seem so surreal, like being pregnant never really happened. The first few nights were…



My Holiday Gift To Matt

This year Matt became a dad. In a lot of ways becoming a dad is much scarier than becoming a mom, because men don’t have 9 months of changing and growing into the role, they are somewhat thrown into it. It’s like one day their wife has a giant belly, and the next they have a baby that is half theirs! Sometimes the disconnect was…



World, Meet Hudson!

… and just like that, life will never ever be the same again. Hudson David Degreff | 8 lbs 7 ounches & 21 inches Born on November 7th at 11:40 am I can’t really think of the right words to describe what it feels like to become a mom. It’s so overwhelmingly beautiful, and the love I feel for my husband and my baby is…



Baby H Maternity Pictures

The countdown is on, with only a few weeks left in this pregnancy I am so excited that we had the chance to sneak away with Jennifer to snap these. My matt is not a big picture guy, he definitely prefers to be behind the lens, but LOOK HOW PHOTOGENIC HE IS! I am sure H will see these and be like “ew mom and…



Baby H’s Nursery Reveal

  After months of piecing together this guy’s room, we are finally ready for him! Interior decorating is one of my favorite things, so of course I wanted to give him the perfect space to spend time in and grow up in. I didn’t want it to feel typical, and when I saw this fox rug I knew I would build the space around it!…



Where will baby sleep?

Even though we have a nursery all set up (and ready to reveal, soon!) for our little man, we decided that we want him to sleep in our room for the first few months. We figure it will make those nighttime feedings much more do-able, plus I am sure we’ll just want to know he is okay throughout the night. So in my crazy nesting…




BOY!  … Let me just preface this and share that Matt told me my neck looked ‘freakishly skinny’ and that’s what made me crack up in this picture. hahahah! It does look weirdly small compared to my growing belly, maybe? So funny LOL. We are so excited to finally share that we’re having a little man! I knew from the get-go he was a boy,…



SURPRISE: Our family is growing!

This has been one of the hardest secrets to keep (& I am an AWFUL secret keeper) but finally we can share our biggest secret ever… we made a human, we’re pregnant! Baby Degreff is due in October!! We’re SO excited to grow our clan (well, maybe Claude isn’t excited to not be an only child-dog haha). The thing I didn’t realize before becoming pregnant…

