Decorating for Halloween!

Featuring pillow, mantel wreath, ceramic pumpkins, glitter pumpkin, and gold pumpkin Luckily my baby is due to be born around one of my favorite holidays, which means I now get to celebrate Halloween AND his birthday! Celebrating is a little tricky this year, since I may or may not be in labor, but that is not stopping me from decorating our home and picking out…



Tandem Coffee

One of our favorite things about roadtripping and visiting new cities is trying new coffee shops! I can never say no to coffee & a scone, and would prefer that to any other lunch any day of the week! We snapped these at Tandem Coffee in Portland, Maine. It is one of my favorite places, and it seriously feels like 1960’s California (or at least…



What Bloggers Do When They’re Not At NYFW

So yes I live in NY, and no I haven’t mentioned NYFW here. Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely love following the shows and events from bloggers on Snapchat, but after attending a few times (here and here), I decided it is not my scene at all. I’m not going to lie and say I was invited to incredible shows, and I am SO…



Dear Baby,

   Dear baby, I love you even though you hurt my insides and make it hard to breath. I remember hearing your heartbeat for the first time and crying without even noticing that the tears were streaming down my cheeks. I can’t believe I got to make a person with my person, who I loved from the second I met. I’ve never met you, but…



On Leaving

So wow guys, it’s September and this baby could be here in the next few weeks/next month and I am feeling so many feels. I am going to be taking 5 months off of working at my full-time job, which I am so grateful for, but also frightened of the thought. I love to work, I don’t know what it feels like to not have…



Baby H’s Nursery Reveal

  After months of piecing together this guy’s room, we are finally ready for him! Interior decorating is one of my favorite things, so of course I wanted to give him the perfect space to spend time in and grow up in. I didn’t want it to feel typical, and when I saw this fox rug I knew I would build the space around it!…



Where will baby sleep?

Even though we have a nursery all set up (and ready to reveal, soon!) for our little man, we decided that we want him to sleep in our room for the first few months. We figure it will make those nighttime feedings much more do-able, plus I am sure we’ll just want to know he is okay throughout the night. So in my crazy nesting…



My Fox Themed Baby Shower!

My mom and my two cousins threw me a beautiful fox themed baby shower this past weekend, so of course I had to share some photos! My cousin Lauren put so much heart into it, I felt like she had me completely in-mind for every little touch she added. I am usually not super emotional, but I was so overwhelmed with how much time and…



Why I Don’t Enjoy Being Pregnant, And That’s OK.

The other night I woke up in the middle of the night (for the 1093298 time), and I was sweating. I had a nightmare, something related to my pregnancy, and for a second I thought it was just a dream, but I felt my belly and it was still there. Suddenly, this full body, totally gripping fear seeped through my blood — I am going…



Two Shoes/ Two Ways W/ Lucky Brand

* I teamed up with my friends at to bring you this post! Thanks for supporting my sponsors!   I cannot BELIEVE September is around the corner, but I would be lying if I told you I wasn’t excited for the temps to drop. Of course, like every other blogger (and person) out there, I’m excited for the leaves to change, PSL’s, carving pumpkins, etc. but…



Madewell Maternity!

It happened – the greatest thing to ever happen to Maternity clothing! Madewell made MATERNITY JEANS, and just in time for the upcoming Fall, when I just so happen to be preggers. Let’s just say I yelped when I found out… and I’m here to give you the scoop on the different styles, and how they fit. The great thing about these jeans are that…



My Summer Playlist

We’ve been playing all kinds of music for the baby to get him dancing in there, so I thought I’d share our Summer Playlist with you! I’ve been digging Whitney, and of course Sam Cooke! Enjoy!…



This Jumpsuit & NYC Summer

  This jumpsuit is everything. It’s chic, comfortable, stylish and best of all, I can still wear it. I wish I could have it in a ton of colors and patterns, because it’s the closest piece to perfection that I’ve found in a while! NYC has been hot, and I can’t lie, I am excited for the temps to drop a bit. 65 degrees sounds…



My Second Trimester Recap + Essentials!

Here I am, saying goodbye to the second trimester and feeling pretty shocked at how quickly it flew by. Just this week, two instagrammers that I follow went into labor – 1 at 35 weeks and the other at 38 weeks, and it’s hitting me that this guy is going to be here in the blink of an eye. I’m starting to feel like I…



My Last Trip Before Baby: California

 Chicwish dress (non maternity) | Aysen shoes | Sezane tote For my final flight on an airplane before baby comes, we took a trip to LA/ San Luis Obispo for our friends wedding! Matt and I (and our best friends Alex & Doug) rented a car, and drove upcoast about 2 hours to an airbnb near the wedding. It was amazing to be surrounded by friends,…



Finally a Way to Organize Your Glasses!

I have a lot of glasses. Like WAY too many. I was so sick of them getting lost in the drawer, scattered and unorganized. I finally decided to take matters into my own hands and search for SOME way to organize the mess. I am so happy with what I found, that I decided to share with you! I ordered this organizer (well, 3 of…



Our Farmhouse Kitchen Reno: Before & After

When we bought this apartment (more on that here) we knew the weakest link was the kitchen, and we knew a farmhouse kitchen reno was in order, eventually. While it looked livable, the cabinets were falling apart and from 1999. They were made of a fake wood, and the previous owner put a white plastic coating over the top. We didn’t love the granite, it…



How To Keep Wearing Your Favorite Brands While Pregnant

There is nothing worse than saying goodbye to your favorite brands during pregnancy (except maybe saying goodbye to high waisted skirts & jeans). But, you guys, I found a loophole! There is, in fact a way to keep wearing your favorite brands while pregnant. ENTER MADEWELL. Seriously, at 6.5 months pregnant, I am still shopping at my favorite store, and feeling a tiny morsel more…



Happy Bday To Me!

It’s wild how much changes every year (and how quickly the years fly by!) Last year I had a different home, a different job and I had no clue that I would be pregnant this year! But 28 was a wonderful year filled with all extremely positive changes in my life! We finally moved to a home we’re going to stay in for a while,…



High Waisted Skirts During Pregnancy

I was pretty devastated at the thought of going through a summer being unable to wear my high waisted favorites. That is, until I realized you can still wear a high waist during pregnancy! Of course I had to give up my high waisted jeans and vintage levi’s cut-offs, but high waisted skirts with elastic waistlines are amazing to wear during pregnancy! Here’s a few…

