Everything I Use To Workout At Home (Budget Friendly!) + Free Workouts

As we’re all well aware of, we are currently in quarantine. I don’t want to put any extra pressure on anyone to exercise during a difficult and anxiety-inducing time, that is not AT ALL the purpose of this post. BUT, for me personally, if I find even just 30 minutes to move my body daily, I live life in a much clearer and happier headspace.…



How I’m Feeling With 2 Kids, And Transitioning From 1 to 2

    Happy April! March flew by for me, because of being in that newborn haze during month 1, but I know it was extremely slow and difficult for a lot of people because of quarantining, and the pandemic. It’s definitely a weird time right now, and I’ll write a blog post more in-detail about how it has effected us while having a new baby…



My Favorite Loungewear on a Budget (40% Off!)

Okay, I know that sharing loungewear is VERY CLICHE right now, and I also know that a lot of us are not in the mood to shop. Matt has no work on the horizon, because the film industry is completely shut down, so I am with you all. But, because this is primarily a fashion blog, I wanted to still share budget-friendly options in case…

