Gift Guide For Babies + Kids!

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Back again with a full gift guide of things I will be picking up for my boys this holiday season! These are obviously very age specific – the above “baby” gifts work from around 6M + and the below gifts are for ages 3+. Just for reference, Charlie is almost 9 months old and Hudson just turned four! 

For my mens gift guide I outlined the why’s behind each gift, but for this one I feel like it is somewhat self explanatory. Some of the pieces I own already such as the leaf baby mat which is amazing for tummy time, the wooden piano, which I love using with Charlie each morning, and the bean bag, which we picked up for Hudson on his second Christmas. We also own the steps tool below, and now that Hudson can spell his name he loves that it is personalized. 

The rest of the toys are toys I researched and picked up for our boys for Christmas! I really love Montessori-inspired wooden toys, but of course also include some fun electronic toys, like the interactive robot below that I think Hudson is going to love! I hope these are helpful if you’re on the lookout for your own kids, nieces, nephews, friends kids, or any little kids in your life!! 

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