Charlie’s 9 Month Update

HOW IS HE 9 MONTHS OLD???? I definitely missed an 8 month update, because we’ve been busy with the holidays and both Matt and my busy season at work, but a few of you moms out there said you enjoy the monthly updates, so here’s a full 9 month update on our little guy! He has changed so so much in the past two months!

BABY UPDATE: Where do I even start? It’s like Charlie has fully become a person in the past two months, and now he is fully mobile and army crawling as fast as he can all over the house. He is so different than Hudson- Hudson was always very cautious, not motivated to move much, and loved to be right next to me. Charlie is off in .5 seconds. He LOVES to move and explore and touch and play with Hudson (and all of Hudsons toys which is interesting). He is just such an adventurous and unpredictable guy, I love it. It’s also all new to me! Hudson is still very regimented, loves a schedule, you always know what you’re going to get with him. Charlie is NOT THAT haha. He may get an amazing nap and be totally grumpy or he may not nap and be super happy. He got a shot last week and didn’t cry! He is all over the place, and has such a wide and varying range of unpredictable emotions. He does this really cute thing when he sees someone new where he nuzzles into my shoulder and hides, I love it. If I tell him “no” he SLAMS his hand down and babbles loudly at me like he is yelling back, it’s hilarious.

This month I am focusing on allowing him to feed himself much more, as his pincher grip has gotten much better. I love to cut slivers for him and let him grab them to eat. He is not a fan of rice, greek yogurt, avocado and he sometimes decides midway through a meal he no longer wants certain food. haha. He loves a good taco or burrito, and is more inclined to eat something that is spiced or has sauce on it, so not a plain eater at all! He is eating 3 meals a day now, and has a huge appetite – the doctor says he is 98% for height and weight! This week he started pulling up, but only to his knees, and he has two bottom teeth. Charlies biggest love is his brother, and it is so endearing watching him crawl so quickly over to Hudson to play (aka destroy whatever Hudson is making lol). I heard them giggling last night together and looked over and Hudson was spraying water in Charlies face and throwing a soft ball at him, but somehow Charlie thought it was hilarious because he just loves any attention from Hudson.

He is truly a joy and a dream baby. He smiles all the time, barely cries, I thought I could never have a kid like this but he is somehow mine and I am the luckiest. His schedule right now goes like so:

6:30-7AM: Wake up / bottle

8AM: Solids

10AM: nap

11:30AM: Wake up/ bottle

12PM: Solid

2:30PM: nap

4:30PM: Wake up / bottle

5:30 PM: solids

6 PM: bath

7PM: Bed time

He probably drinks about 25 oz of milk a day give or take.

MAMA UPDATE: This month has been a bit overwhelming, only because it is Matt’s busy season so I find myself alone with both kids frequently. I am learning ways to get “me” time in with them, and how to efficiently still get my work done.. or just work less. I am so lucky to have Sea who helps me with a lot of the things that take a while to get done. I am also accepting that maybe this isnt my season for growth at work, just my season to hang on and get by. It is hard to accept as women that sometimes we need to take a step back, re-evaluate, not compare ourselves and enjoy the time of life that we are currently in. That has been me this month. Realizing that if I am missing a day of posting online, or if something doesn’t turn out exactly as planned, that is okay. I keep reminding myself that trying times come with growth, and this year has definitely been a year of growing, learning and changing. I found with Hudson that once he was walking, things became much more manageable. But I also don’t want to rush Charlie being so little and cute, and I do get sad at how quickly he is growing up. I find myself missing my bump, and missing those early newborn days, even though they were so difficult also. Anyway, mom thoughts!!

I linked some of my favorites below – some are things we got Charlie for Christmas, and others are just toys or feeding things we love!

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