Charlies 7 Month Update!

My little baby is not so little anymore!!! I am actually in shock at how quickly he became a “person” and not a little blob, and now he’s so interactive and fun to hangout with! This is the month he definitely started to understand much more of what’s going on around him, and feels like an active family member and not just a little eating and pooping machine haha!

You can read his 6 month update here.

BABY UPDATE: This month Charlie began to sit up on his own! He’s still not 100% solid, so I use a boppy if I need to walk away in case he falls to the side, but he’s able to sit unassisted which make him feel so much bigger! He also started to eat so many more foods! I usually just feed him small pieces of what I am eating, or what Hudson is eating, and he has tried basically everything at this point except for peanut butter, because I haven’t been mentally prepared to give it to him yet! I still feed him VS letting him feed himself, but mostly because his pincher grip isn’t there yet. His favorite foods are bananas (cut in pieces), eggs, turkey and of course pizza haha! We’re starting him young! He is also so chatty and says dada, gaga, and lot’s of razzing – we’re still waiting on “mama”! He has also started sleeping more solid this month from 7PM – 6:30AM, for a while he was still getting a bottle around 5AM, but he seems like he is finally sleeping an hour or two later which has been such a treat for us haha! He is still not “on the move” but he will get on his knees occasionally during tummy time and rock back and forth! He wants to move sooo bad, and he has such perseverance, so I think maybe in the next month or two he will figure it out! I definitely don’t think he will be an early walker, similar to Hudson, because he has very little interest in standing, but never say never right! Charlie is just the happiest and sweetest baby – he rarely cries, unless he is out of the house and overwhelmed in a new place, or is tired or hungry. The biggest thing we’re “working on” right now is napping on the go because he is NOT a fan of sleeping in the car or stroller, and generally doesn’t do well when not at home, but I think it’s because he is so used to being home all the time from quaratine. He’s a true quarantine baby. He also doesn’t take a binkie so that’s part of it, because the binkie would always help Hudson fall asleep. He’s been teething soooo crazy this month, but still no teeth! He’s been so awesome at playing independently, and if I am making dinner Hudson will sit with him and play which is so so cute to watch. Hudson has gotten very smart in exchanging one toy for another if he decides he wants whatever Charlie is playing with – we’ll see how long Charlie lets that ride haha.

MAMA UPDATE: I am now officially in the heart of my busy season, so juggling the kids and work has been … interesting. Some days I am barely hanging on and always feel like I am 1 step behind, but I’ve learned to just take things hour by hour, slowly checking off everything on my to-do list which can sometimes be very long between kids chores, kids meals, submitting content for jobs and posting content. I’m re-learning how it feels to work with a baby, and I know that I work on his schedule, he doesn’t work on mine – haha. But the best thing I do for myself every day is try to move my body. I looked back on my update with Hudson at 7 months PP, and saw that I wrote that I dropped off on self-care. This time around I have been really on top of not doing that because I know in the end having that hour workout or taking that bath instead of doing e-mails for an extra hour is what helps me maintain a good mental space. It’s all just a “phase of life”and even though being with Hudson as a baby while working had its hard moments, I still always look back on that time we spent together for the first 15 months so so fondly, so I know that on harder days, I am just so lucky and grateful to be with my baby all the time. I literally quit my job for this 4 years back, so I do not for a second take it for granted.

Products I’ve Been Using This Month:

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