Charlie’s 4 Month Update!

I am a fail mom this month, because we’re in Martha’s Vineyard and I forgot to bring the month to month cubes, so I don’t have a photo for the series! We’re staying here for an undetermined amount of time at my parents house, so I may also miss month 5 too. Yikes! But anyway, here we are at 4 months with Charlie boy, and while it’s unbelievable that he is 4 months old (and that COVID has been around that long too) it also has gone by somewhat slow at the same time. It feels like Charlie has just always been around now, although when Matt and I are out with only Hudson, it’s sometimes easy to forget that we have an entire 2nd child back at home! This month Charlie has grown SO BIG and just feels more and more like a person, and not a little cute blob!

BABY UPDATE: The biggest update here is just that by 4 months old, we feel like we “know” Charlie, and his personality so much more. It’s wild just how opposite he and Hudson are! It amazes me that Matt and I can make two completely different babies! He is super duper chill and laid back, and very go with the flow. A schedule hasn’t worked well for him when we tried one out, which I never thought I would hear myself say, because Hudson is such a rigid and regimented type of kid. Charlie is also SUPER active – he has rolled from tummy to back and from back to tummy (although he rolls much more often from back to tummy) and he is starting to scrunch his knees under his belly and trying to worm his way toward us. He also loves to bear weight and stand when we hold onto his arms. Hudson was always very content with not moving, so again they are so different there! Another HUGE difference is with sleeping – Hudson was always a wonderful sleeper, and slept through the night fairly easily from 2 months on. Charlie has been having some trouble, and he still wakes up 1-2 times a night. We thought he was starting to sleep through the night more, but then he started to flip over and that messed things up, so we weaned him off of his swaddle. Right when he became adjusted to sleeping arms free, he hit the dreaded 4-month sleep regression, and he just seems to wake much more frequently now, but I know that this too shall pass.

Right at the 4 month milestone, I started him on solids. I started with rice cereal. Theres’ 2 reasons why I didn’t wait until 6 months: First, my pediatrician recommends beginning at 4 months. The other reason is that he seems hungry still after his bottle, but doesn’t want more milk. By day 2 he caught on, and totally gets to open his mouth for the spoon and he even sort of chews, it’s so cute! His awareness for both Matt and I, and noticing when we enter or leave the room is so cute, and he makes huge belly laughs now when I tickle his thighs. He is just an all around super pleasant baby to be around, and we are so smitten with him!

MAMA UPDATE: Mama is tired. I say “Im so tired” about 30 times per day. But really, I am. It’s been 4 months since I’ve had a good, solid night of sleep (probably more since I slept like crap when I was pregnant). I’ve been caring for both kids while trying to squeeze in time to work and kick my butt working out. Most days I wake up at 6AM (after a night wake up at 2:30) and get in my BBG and scramble to answer e-mails and check on some sales to link to before the kids get up. Then I shoot photos throughout the day at some point, and any time I get a second I will respond to DM’s, get to e-mails, etc. It’s been really intense, and I am pretty exhausted, but I know that this is just a phase of life that I will work my way through. I also got a huge burst of inspiration this month, and have been working on something exciting I am hoping to share with you all soon. If I can find time to work on it!

My Essentials This Month:

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