Workout Sets I’ve Been Living In

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One of the biggest things I’ve noticed about staying active is that cute workout sets get me excited to move my body. I am usually the kind of person who skimps on spending on bras, underwear, socks and workout clothing. I wore THE SAME two sports bras on repeat for no joke, two years. I love clothes so much, that I sometimes forget to care about what is underneath them. haha! I wish I was an undergarments enthusiast, but I just am not. During my pregnancy I was forced into buying some new things for myself, since my cup size went up and I wanted comfort in maternity underwear, and somewhere along the way I found a passion for upgrading my workout sets. It’s a new love that has stuck around, especially since I’m just at home every day now. I’ve been living in cute workout sets – I put one on when I get up, and then stay in it for a majority of the day since I still feel somewhat put together and cute. I guess I am one of those moms now! haha! 

I really like matching sets, since they take thinking out of getting dressed. I also love to find bright colored workout sets, and to wear colors I wouldn’t normally wear in my everyday clothing! Here’s some of my favorites that have been on rotation! Maybe they’ll inspire you to get moving a bit, they’ve definitely helped me! 

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