10 Items On My Baby Registry That I’ve Used Or Want To Try With Baby#2

So here we are again, back to the beginning! It’s a funny feeling, mostly because with Hudson I knew absolutely nothing, and this time around I feel like I’m pretty well-versed on “baby brands,” what I need exactly, etc. I also saved SO much stuff for baby #2, and since most of our things were gender neutral, we can use them whether it’s a boy or a girl. There’s a few gadgets we either didn’t save because of storage restraints, or because they got ruined and then there’s a few other things that I’d like to try but never got around to using with Hudson. I figured I would share my top items I plan on purchasing, with the why’s behind them for any other mamas out there that are pregnant too! Or for myself to look back on someday if need-be, since it definitely feels like some things are easily forgotten once the baby phase is over!

I’m picking up tons of things at Walmart’s semi-annual baby event, which is almost like a mini-Black Friday. There’s over 700 online deals and a handful of rollbacks in the store, and tons of items come with a $25 gift card. I know how expensive labor, diapers, newborn supplies etc. are so we’re trying to save wherever we can this time around. Not that we weren’t savers with Hudson as well, but we didn’t realize the cost involved with having kids AT ALL!


1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10

  1. Lawn Drying Rack – I had something similar to this for Hudson, but when we were living with our friends during renovations, she was using this with her then 8-month-old. I really liked how tidy it kept the countertop, and it stayed relatively clean!
  2. Plush Head – Hudson has one of these that’s a Fox in his nursery, and I thought this was so adorable for Baby#2 nursery. We don’t really have a full-on theme yet, and are still working on so many pieces, but I loved this enough to take a leap of faith and purchase it!
  3. Bristle Bottle Brush Cleaner – I used this religiously to clean out Hudson’s bottles – it’s a MUST for bottle fed babies! 
  4. Medela Breastmilk Bottles – With Hudson, I used all Medela bottles and a Medela pump for breastfeeding. I never had any issues with either, so I plan to use them again since it’s what I am comfortable with!
  5. Coffee Cup Rattle – This toy is SO cute, I noticed it when Hudson was a bit too big for it! I really want to be thoughtful about the toys we pickup, since we have so many of Hudson’s saved, but I love this one and will be adding it to our collection!
  6. Angelcare Bath Support – I know I’ve included this in all of my lists during my time blogging about things I loved with Hudson, but because it’s somewhat big to store and fairly affordable, we didn’t save ours. I’ll definitely be picking one up again, as it worked so well in the bathtub for baths, and I loved how it was non-slip.
  7. BabyBjorn Bouncer – I am going to take the leap and pickup this bouncer for Baby 2. With Hudson, we had a ton of bouncers that created movement. I found them to cause a movement dependency, as he really wanted to be rocked all of the time. I am hoping this time around to rely more heavily on baby gear that doesn’t simulate movement so this baby can get used to being still, even though I know it’s an adjustment in the beginning. I love that with this bouncer, the baby can bounce to create their own movement. We ended up picking up a more affordable version when Hudson was around 3 months old and used it a ton until he sat up.
  8. Bandana Bibs – We used these with Hudson, and I love how they’re cute and also serve a purpose!
  9. Tummy Time Play Mat – I never felt like I found the perfect playmat with Hudson – they were either too plush, or too hard. This one looks so cute, so I’m going to test it out!
  10. HALO Bassinet – I had a bulky wooden rocker bassinet with Hudson that we gave away when he transitioned into his crib. I felt like it was very focused on aesthetics, and not super functional. This bassinet sort of marries function and fashion, and I love that it swivels around, making it easy to pick up the baby for those night time feeds! I used to have to get up to pick up Hudson, so I am really looking forward to using the HALO!

If you’ve used any of these products, or have any other recommendations for me, let me know in the comments! 

*Thanks to Walmart for sponsoring this post, as always all opinions are my own.
