Matt Answers Your FAQ About Being A “Blogger Husband”!

What is the best and worst part of being a blogger husband?

The worst part is that Steffy finds it hard to disconnect and is on her phone a lot, and the best part is having a flexible lifestyle, being able to travel and some of the gifted items we receive from campaigns!


What are you responsible for when it comes to the blog?

I shoot all of the photos and videos, I also help Steffy in picking the gear we buy and usually get her new lenses as gifts for holidays and birthdays. Steffy is also notorious for losing lens caps, so I make sure all of our lenses are taken care of. haha! I also take care of the tax side of our business and work with the accountant. I ensure we pay our quarterly taxes, and keep tabs on the tax write-offs, and keeping track of receipts. I also break down the boxes we get in the mail and take them to the trash, which takes more time than you would think!


What camera and lens do you usually shoot with?

We shoot with the Canon SL2 and with an 11-16 wide angle zoom lens. I prefer to shoot with an 18-35 sigma lens, but Steffy likes to use the wide angle because of how zoomed out it is since instagram crops photos in a bit.


Does it annoy you to take 100s of the same pic to get the perfect shot?

If we’re truly collaborating and I understand why we have to reshoot again than no, but sometimes if it’s a tiny detail that Steffy sees but seems fine to me, than yes.

What is it like being married to a blogger? 

It’s the same as being married to anybody else – sometimes it’s great and sometimes it’s stressful, and it’s more about how we get along and our personalities than what job we do. Some days I go to work, some days we shoot all day, some days we don’t shoot and we just have fun, so it’s different day to day but at the end of the day it is a job, like anybody else’s.

Why don’t we see you in more photos and videos?

I don’t like to be in front of the camera, I enjoy being behind it. It feels uncomfortable for me, and I just don’t really like it, so I let Steffy take on that role more!


Do you ever feel underdressed next to Steffy?

Yes, all of the time because Steffy is generally dressed to be photographed so she has a higher standard when it comes to putting together outfits then pretty much anyone I know! ha!


What was your first reaction to being an “instagram hubby”?

There wasn’t really a first reaction because I’ve been doing it for so long, that it was a gradual thing. By the time it became Steffy’s full-time job I was used to it.


What do you love most about Steffy?

Steffy’s determination, her work ethic, her artistic abilities and how good she is to Hudson. She built this blog from nothing and now I’m here answering these questions for people who are reading it, so that is amazing. She also decorated our house really great and has such great taste, and tries hard to give Hudson the most fun childhood.


Does Steffy cook good food? What is the best food and the worst she has made?

No, Steffy is a horrible cook haha. I do all of the cooking. The best she made is a pie she just made for July 4, and the worst is probably everything that isn’t that pie! haha! She also makes good waffles. Dessert and breakfast is good (except she makes bad eggs) and everything else is off the table.


What film camera do you use, and do you develop them yourself?

I am actually developing as I do this interview! haha! For Medium format I use a Fuji GA645 camera and for 35mm I have an Olympus XA2 for point and shoot, a Canon A2E for higher quality photos, since it uses the same lenses as Steffys camera. I have a NikonOS V for shooting water 35mm.


What got you into photography? Was there a specific moment?

I got into photography shooting skateboarding with my friends when I was in middle school, and then from there I kept shooting and trying out new cameras, and I always liked it.


Best marriage advice?

Let your wife do the decorating!


What was your favorite and least favorite job you worked on with Steffy? 

My favorite job was definitely the KLM collaboration we worked on last summer because traveling the world as a family was incredible. My least favorite was being in a boosted video on instagram, because my friends see the ads and screen shot them and text them to me.


Thank you all for reading Matt’s side of the story! He doesn’t love being put on the spot or being in photos too much, but I somehow got him to agree to this which was super exciting! Let me know if you liked hearing his side of the story!
