What I Keep In My Diaper Bag (Toddler Edition!)

I created a post about traveling light with a baby, and what we couldn’t live without when Hudson was a baby, but I haven’t shared my diaper bag ever, so I figured there is not time like the present! The things I pack are of course ever-changing depending on what Hudson is eating, the toys he is into each month and the weather (hello extra layers in the winter!) but this is my go-to “summer diaper bag” and what’s been in it the past few weeks!


1- Diapers + Wipes: This one is super obvious! I usually carry just two diapers now, unless we’re really leaving for the entire day.

2 – Snacks! These are the key to keeping Hudson sane throughout the day. He’s a big foodie, and he loves to be constantly snacking, especially if we’re out in the sun or at the park where he is using a lot of his energy. I love to bring some cut up fruit if it’s a short trip out where it won’t go bad. If we’re out for longer I will usually bring a veggie packet, some crackers, a little cookie snack pack, raisins, a pb+j cut up, and I have a few more tricks up my sleeve too!

3 – A pacifier: Maybe this one is a bit controversial, I know some people cut a paci out once teeth come in, but Hudson still loves his, and uses it at nap time and when he is going to sleep at night. I usually bring it JUST IN CASE of a really bad meltdown, or if he gets grumpy when we’re at a restaurant where he may ruin someones meal. It’s one of those “dire needs” type things. I don’t flip out if I forget it at home, but I prefer to have one on me just in case.

4 – RETHINK WATER: We love these RETHINK water cartons, because they’re so easy to toss into my bag. Hudson is really picky about drinking, and I never feel like he’s taking in enough liquids, especially in the summer when it’s hot out. I am not a fan of giving him a lot of juice, even though I know he’ll always drink it, so this is a perfect happy medium for us. It doesn’t have any sugar or calories in it, and it’s basically purified water with a touch of organic fruit in it. I also love that the cartons are made of paperboard and are 100% recyclable, since most other pouches we give Hudson are (sadly) plastic. It comes in a few different flavors – fruit punch, apple, orange mango, berry and strawberry lemon – he loves the orange mango!

5 – Books: Hudson has always loved books, but now that he’s starting to talk a bit more he really loves to repeat these books with easy vocabulary words over and over. He is also at the age where he will “read” them himself, which is so cute! There are so easy to pop into my bag, and they will preoccupy him if we’re waiting for food to come, or on a car ride.

6 – Sunscreen: This one is so important right now, since his skin is so fair! The other day I forgot it, and I was so nervous, trying to basically run home before his arms got burnt. I would feel so bad if he got a bad sunburn, so we’re really really diligent about making sure he has on sunscreen before he leaves the house every day, and then bringing more with us for the road.

7 – An extra shirt: Now that he is walking, I find that his jeans never get super dirty throughout the day, but his top always gets to dirty from drinking and eating. Sometimes it’s nice to have a fresh shirt mid-day, or if he has a really messy pasta meal, so I usually bring an extra tee in my bag!

*One other thing that isn’t pictured, that I need to get in my bag asap is hand sanitizer. It’s so great for traveling, or if we’re somewhere dirty and his hands get covered!


I hope this was helpful if your baby is approaching toddlerhood, and you’re wondering what to throw in your bag as they get older!

*Thanks to RETHINK for sponsoring this post, as always all opinions are my own!
