3 Ways To Be A True New Yorker

Being born a “New Yorker” is one of those things that has always defined me. For those of you who are new (or maybe I have never mentioned it before!) I was born in Manhasset, NY. Both of my parents grew up in Rockaway Beach about 1 mile apart from each other, and all of my cousins, aunt and uncles all live here! I moved to Florida when I was 8 years old, and always knew I would come back to the state I considered home! Now after years of living here, I wanted to share a few ways I feel like a TRUE New Yorker, and not just a tourist anymore!


  1. Always take the subway – My dad taught me this one young! He went to NYU for college, and I went there my freshman year BEFORE the invention of the smartphone, so as you can imagine I was lost quite a bit! But I figured it out without Google Maps, and now I know the subway systems fairly well and actually prefer them to taking a taxi or an Uber! You know those moments where you’re like WOW this is really my life?? For some reason, I have those a lot on the Subway. I love how gritty it feels, it feels like the heart of NY lies underground in the old stations.
  2. Always carry a snack for the road – This one is huge. You should never venture out into your day without a snack in case you get a little sweets craving for something sweet & salty (which those of you who follow me know I get ALL. THE. TIME). I love carrying some barkTHINS in my purse – it’s the yummiest dark chocolate bark broken up into a snackable size with responsibly sourced ingredients. It comes in NINE different flavors, and I personally love the Dark Chocolate Blueberry with Quinoa crunch. MMMM!
  3. Lose your coat once the temps hit 55 – This is when I realllly felt like a NYer! After a long and cold Winter, all NYers lose their coats at the first feeling of Spring. We’re desperate for warm weather! Also, to be honest, 55 degrees feels pretty warm to me now! By 65 I am in short sleeves!


These are the three biggest things that make me feel like a “true” New Yorker. Any New Yorkers out there have any to add to the list?

This is a sponsored post with barkTHINS, though all opinions expressed are my own.
