Pastel Pieces I Am Loving + An Outfit!


It’s obvious that everyone is obsessed with pastels when the Spring rolls around. It starts on Easter, and for me sticks around until I’m bitten with the “Fall bug” aka all mustard yellow and oranges. I mean don’t get me wrong, I will continue to wear orange of course, but I like matching the flowers too (Dee’s Nursery in Long Island is our favorite for picking up some blooms!) ! I am always inspired by how pastel colors are incorporated into clothing in different ways year to year. The fashion industry ALWAYS KEEPS ME EXCITED, is I guess what I am saying. I can remember back when I worked at J.crew and mint green pants were EVERYWHERE. I haven’t seen mint on jeans in years and years, but things go in and out which keeps us fashion lovers all the more excited. Last year it seemed like WHITE was the new pastel, and I had tons of white dresses on rotation instead of pastels, but I am happy it seems like the world is into color again this year!

Here’s some outfit photos from our little flower shopping adventure, and I linked some of my favorite pastel getups from around the web below!

