Let’s Talk: The Balance Between Being Materialistic & Being A Good Blogger




After talking about this with SO many other bloggers, I finally had to write a post about something that I am so internally torn about in this profession. So many of you message me and ask me “How do you afford all of these things all of the time??” and I know that the big question mark is how do bloggers do it?? – They are constantly wearing new things, changing their decor and pushing new items for their followers to purchase.


When I started this blog, I was a HUGE vintage lover (I still am). I loved re-wearing my favorite holiday sweaters season to season, pulling out my favorite vintage shorts each summer and I was basically a creature of habit with a ton of things I loved and was pleased to be the owner of. I am still that person. BUT (yup, there’s always a but) I feel like an asshole when I wear vintage boots, and you all want to know where you can find the item. I almost feel like I am doing a disservice to the people who follow along just to get ideas of what to purchase for the season. This is my job – to scope out the best, most affordable things so that you all who have other responsibilities and much less time to devote to it than I do can just pop on here and find what you need without looking too far. I almost feel obligated, in order to do my job to the best of my ability, to style new items that are in the store right now.


Do I like to shop? Yes, of course I do. Am I gifted some of these items, which saves on cost? Yes, I am. But, I still don’t enjoy feeling so materialistic sometimes. It’s fun to receive new things in the mail all of the time, and to style new looks with trending items and know that you’re all buying them and enjoying them too. Yet I am fully aware of the materialism that blogging promotes, and I try my best to re-wear those favorite old sweaters, even if you don’t see them on my feed. It isn’t because I don’t style the same item multiple ways, it’s simply because I don’t want to waste your time. It’s a bummer when I see something I love on someone I follow , but then realize I can’t ever own it, and I don’t ever want to be the person who makes you feel that way.


What do you all think about all of it? Do you mind the materialism behind following bloggers? Do you care when I style old items you can’t buy? Let me know your thoughts..
