I knew for a while that I wanted to get a tattoo for Claudie on my arm. Aside from my undying love for my doggie, I also love the design of doxies, and pretty much own everything dachshund that I can get my hands on. It was just a matter of letting the idea really sink in before going ahead with the tattoo. Matt found this great place called east river tattoo in greenpoint, and we walked-in yesterday hoping they’d have time!
Not only did they have time, but they HAD A DOXIE IN THE SHOP! It was meant to be. Rob who tattooed me owns his own, and was equally as enthusiastic about the tattoo as I was! It hurt a little bit, but I am so so happy with how it came out. I think Claude secretly knows, and she has been loving me extra!
For new readers… we adopted claude in 2012, and she made her first blog appearance here. she has become a part of our family and nothing is as much fun if she isn’t by our side!