Some Things About Blogging That Nobody Talks About…

It’s that time of the year when I start to see comments popping up on instagram photos asking “Aren’t you cold in that??” The truth is, usually YES! I was thinking about it the other day as I was gearing up to shoot on a snow day outside on my front stoop – I usually don’t show that side of the blog, and I couldn’t…



Holiday Sweaters I’m Loving This Season!

I apologize for the blog silence over this past week, but between Thanksgiving and work deadlines, things have been a bit hectic behind the scenes! I always like to make an effort to continue to update this space, so I will do my very best to pop in more each week! Since Black Friday is out of the way (phew, I skipped gift guides because…



My Tips For Maternity Shopping + Favorite Pieces

I CANNOT believe this week I am 26 weeks pregnant! I can remember back in July thinking I’d be sooo far along by the time Thanksgiving and the holidays ca†me around, and it flew by so quickly. It doesn’t feel like it’s been “as hard” as it was when I was pregnant with Hudson, but maybe I am just busier, or more used to it…

