Favorite Purchases Of 2021

After sharing so many “favorites” on stories every day, I feel like things can get muddied up, and it’s hard to decipher between a favorite VS a new purchase. It’s fun for me to look back on analytics, and to see which purchases YOU ALL bought the most of, and how those same pieces became things that I personally reached for over and over again.…



Personal: Social Media in 2022 & The Creator’s Dilemma

Hi. Hello there! It has been a minute! Amidst the business of the holiday season and the end of the year I definitely neglected this space, but I am back for now, as I think there’s something really valuable about long form writing, and having images and links LIVE somewhere outside of just an instagram highlight. I even reference back to my own posts sometimes,…



A-Frame Before + After Photos With VELUX

BEFORE: When we purchased our 1974 A-Frame in the Catskills back in March of 2021, our immediate thought was “how are we going to get more natural light into this space?” We’ve never had this issue before in any of our previous homes, because we have always been super specific about only purchasing or renting homes with nice natural light. I really believe that natural…

