Personal: Life Is Passing By & Here’s What I Am Doing About It

The other day I was watching Hudson play on his school playground before the school doors opened at 9AM, and I heard “mommy! mommy! Come watch me!” as he hung from the monkey bars. I stood there watching him climb, and realized that I would be LUCKY to have another year or two of being called over to watch in a playground of friends. He…



Adding A Checkered Accent Wall Tutorial

Hello and Happy Monday!!! I’ve been working on this post for a while, but life continued to get in the way – but I wanted to share a how-to on adding this big checked accent wall, since checkered pattern is so trendy right now! It is very doable, and you only need a few important tools! What I needed: A laser level – I would…



My Itinerary & Experience At Grand Velas Los Cabos All Inclusive Resort

It has been a whirlwind of a week, and I wanted to sit down and type it all out before my memory begins to fail me! I’ve had so many of you that are interested in what we did during our stay at Grand Velas Los Cabos, as well as details on the resort itself, since it is such a perfect spot for a honeymoon,…

