Making Homemade Gummies!

Hudson and I are both sugar fiends – Like I had mentioned, I’ve been trying to find ways to eat things I like, but just in healthier versions. Hudson LOVES gummy bears, so I thought it would be fun to try to make our own! We used this recipe. They only took about 30 minutes to make, and came out SO good!! Making something fun like a gummy bear is such a fun way to get a toddler to cook with you! Here’s the recipe!


1 1/2 cups juice that’s 100% juice – We used apple juice

4 Tbsp gelatin – I used this one.

3 Tbsp Raw Honey – I used this one.

1/2 tsp vanilla extract

Gummy bear molds – We used these.

Like the recipe I linked states, first we mixed together the juice, and sprinkled the gelatin over the top (not on any heat). Once the gelatin created a thin layer on top of the juice, we moved the saucepan on to medium heat.

We did not boil the mixture, but let it warm up until the gelatin dissolved, and then we added in the honey and vanilla extract. Once it was all mixed together, I moved the mixture to a bowl, and we filled up our gummy molds! We placed the molds in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours until they were ready!

They came out so good, I would definitely recommend trying it with your kids!
