3 Year Anniversary

So it’s really been three years since our wedding! As cheesy as it sounds, last week on ‘This Is Us’ they mentioned the little things that may go unnoticed that make a marriage continue to be happy and loving, and it struck a chord. The success isn’t in the grand gestures so much as in those small little things that make life run smoother, that make me feel like I have a partner who is there to back me up. Here’s a few of my favorite things that matt does (maybe he thinks I don’t realize, but i do!)
– Every morning, he makes pour over coffee and leaves me a cup. Usually it’s cold by the time I get to it, but it’s always there waiting for me.
– When we’re out and about, he always takes care of putting the baby into the carseat, and putting the stroller in the trunk. It just makes me feel taken care of,
– He takes care of our taxes!! Which I am SO bad at, so it’s great to know someone who knows what they’re doing is there to help. 
– He literally makes this blog work, because he is always willing to take pictures, and as the years go on we’ve learned how to be a better team as business partners. 
– He waits to watch John Oliver with me. 
– When we travel, he always makes sure that we have the most important things that I always forget – toothbrushes, phone chargers and deodorant!
– He researches things to do on trips. I’m one of those people who will show up in a place with nothing to do and nowhere to go, but because of Matt, we always have a plan and know the coolest things to see and do!
So basically, he holds it together for us. He’s the family glue! and we’re so so lucky to have him! 
(Here’s my post on 2 years of marriage)

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