37 Weeks: Full Term + 3rd Trimester Recap + Essentials!

Here we are, with a baby that is considered “fully cooked”! They told me at the doctor this week that it could happen ANY TIME or in 5 weeks, and they honestly can’t really tell these things, so we’re just here waiting! I am so relieved to have hit this milestone now, knowing that he can come out and be okay today. It feels good, and I am proud of my body for making it to this point.
How far along? 37 weeks this weekend
Weight gain? Around 22 lbs
Cravings? Some of my first trimester cravings have come back! Eggs, carbs & sweets – not a good look. But, I’ve been trying to eat smoothies and yogurt, and I’m trying to kick the cravings in a healthy way.
How do I feel? I feel OVER IT. I didn’t enjoy being pregnant too much, but honestly now I am just in pain. I am uncomfortable most of the day, I have really bad pelvic pressure & I’ve been getting Braxton Hicks when I sit (think BH for the entire car ride anywhere). I am ready to meet my baby and have my body back!
What I’m looking forward to? Finally seeing my baby’s face, and having Matt get to meet the baby. I think that’s what I am most excited for. I feel like I speak in baby morse code, because Matt never actually felt or interacted with him, so I am excited for them to meet and to bond the way that I already feel bonded with him.
Advice / Things I’ve learned? I learned two really important things by this point – the first is to stay active! When I take a few days off, things hurt even worse! I’ve been really pushing myself to at least walk every day to keep my body up and going. The other thing I’ve learned is to have no expectations. Even going into labor, people keep asking me if I am going to get an epidural. My response is – I DON’T KNOW! It’s hard to plan anything in pregnancy!! Things just happen, and you have to just learn to let go a little, and roll with it.
Here’s some things I wore/ read:
1. LOVE this polka dotted dress, and even wore it in my maternity photos!
2. I’ve been reading this book, which explains a lot about why babies might be colicky. It’s really insightful, and I can’t wait to try some of the tips!
3. These overalls have been a lifesaver. I was so bummed when my Madewell pair stopped fitting, and was SO excited that maternity overalls exist!
4. I started to use this support while working out around 32 weeks or so. It definitely gives my belly a little bit of a lift.
5. These are the Thank You cards I sent out after my baby shower! I really wanted to make sure I finished writing them before the baby comes.
6. LOVE this maternity pinafore dress, and I’ve worn it out for tons of dinners.
7. I’ve been washing all of babies clothes and bedding, using this detergent.

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